
Exploreavastworldonthebrinkofchaosinamature,emotionalJRPG.Experienceanepicstorywithrewardingturn-basedcombatandexpansive ...,Astorybasedaroundadultcharacters,AstriaAscendingoffersamorematureexperienceandextensivedialog....Fightover200differentmonstersincaptivating ...,Exploreavastworldonthebrinkofchaosinamature,emotionalJRPG.Experienceanepicstorywithrewarding,turn-basedcombatandexpansive ...,A...

Astria Ascending

Explore a vast world on the brink of chaos in a mature, emotional JRPG. Experience an epic story with rewarding turn-based combat and expansive ...

Astria Ascending for Nintendo Switch

A story based around adult characters, Astria Ascending offers a more mature experience and extensive dialog. ... Fight over 200 different monsters in captivating ...

Astria Ascending on Steam

Explore a vast world on the brink of chaos in a mature, emotional JRPG. Experience an epic story with rewarding, turn-based combat and expansive ...

Save 55% on Astria Ascending on Steam

A grand tale of fate and sacrifice. Immerse yourself in a fascinating narrative rife with betrayal, sacrifice and terrors. A story based around adult characters ...

《Astria Ascending》

立即到Epic Games Store 下載並遊玩《Astria Ascending》。查看可遊玩平台和價格!


2021年10月8日 — 《星位繼承者》(Astria Ascending)剛發表時,大家都被那精緻的美術風格給震懾,想說又有什麼經典RPG 要橫空出世了,也讓我特別期待這款遊戲的發售。

購買Astria Ascending

扮演Fated Eight 之一,在這款手繪風格的回合制角色扮演遊戲中,探索居住著十二種古老野獸的Orcanon 世界,同時對抗你的命運,拯救世界。